official – I am a relic, an antique. Oh, maybe not in the
traditional sense of these words, since I’m not over 100 years old yet and do
not possess historical or sentimental interest for anyone else! But a quick
dictionary search gives me some other definitions for these words that seem to
fit me more and more every day: old,
antiquated, belonging to earlier times, old-fashioned. And I don’t have to
look far to be reminded of how much the world has changed in my lifetime.
In fact, most young people today would probably use different words to describe my approach to life – words like outmoded, obsolete, a has-been, or past the peak of effectiveness or popularity. If I listen to the world around me, I can get discouraged. It is sometimes easy to believe that the world is passing me by. But I prefer to focus on some of the other definitions I found for these words: possessing high value because of considerable age, venerable (impressive by reason of age), and vintage (recognized as having enduring interest, importance, or quality). I hope I am viewing the people who are older than me in this way.
The Bible makes it clear that older people are to be revered and appreciated for their experience and the wisdom that experience brings. But there is a responsibility that also comes with age – older people are to teach younger people and tell future generations about what God has done for them (Psalm 145:4; Psalm 78:4, 6-7). I want to be faithful to pass on how good God is to my children and grandchildren and all those younger people around me so that “a people yet to be created may praise the Lord” (Psalm 102:18).
In an ever-changing world where I seem to be getting more irrelevant every day, I might keep using a paper map when I travel or prefer paying my bills by check instead of online or keep paper copies of receipts or emails. I’ll never fully “join” the new way the world operates. I’ve lived too long and can remember the way things used to be and how life worked in a simpler time without the latest and greatest. But, relic or not, I will make sure that the younger people around me, especially those in my own family, continue to hear about God’s goodness to me and all he has done in my life. My prayer is that they will find reason to praise God as a result. And may I also listen well to those who are older than me and praise God because of their stories.
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