Monday, July 24, 2017

Master Designer

I had a conversation with a friend at our church picnic yesterday that helped me decide what to write about today.  She was telling me about a recent trip where they visited a local landmark building, and she noticed how well designed everything was architecturally.  It seemed impossible to her while viewing this manmade structure how anyone could praise the feats of humans and yet believe that the universe we live in “just happened”. 

I have always said that it takes more faith to believe what science wants us to believe about creation than to just believe the truth of God’s Word: “. . . in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).  Our own recent trip, along with many other trips I have taken in the past, reinforces this.  There is just too much intricacy and variety in nature to ever believe that there wasn’t a master designer behind it.


As a photographer, I am often overwhelmed by what God has created.  Every flower is unique, every cloud formation looks different, and every sunset has its own colors.  Every panoramic view of mountains and hills contains distinctive layers of beauty.  Even scientists know that no two snowflakes are the same.  And what we see every day doesn’t even take into account the vast behind-the-scenes workings of nature and its perfect balance that we take for granted.

There was a song from my youth called “Master Designer” that comes to mind:

Cotton candy clouds, so fluffy and white,
Who put you there in a sky of deep blue?
Or do you just happen to float along,
Pretty and white in a sky so blue?

Tall mountain, deep valley, fast river, cool stream,
Show grandeur and majesty in some grand scheme
All of these wonders that we behold,
Are only a part – it cannot be told.

Master Designer, Whoever You are,
All of this beauty both near and afar
Can’t just have happened, the odds are too great,
There must be a plan, we’re not left to fate.

All of this beauty is far too convincing
Master Designer, Your word must be true
Of all Your creations man is the dearest
Help me to simply believe now in You.

Why do we always want to complicate everything so much?  In our efforts to understand everything, we have lost the joy of simple belief and wonder.  God is God, and we are not; and I’m okay with that.  I’m also extremely grateful for the amazing gift of beauty he has given us in the earth he created for us.  We should never let a day go by without stopping to notice and appreciate something that God has given us for our enjoyment – a flower, a mountain, a sunset, a river, a tree, and so much more.  My goal is to pay attention every day!  


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