Monday, November 11, 2024

For This Child I Prayed

Today is Veteran’s Day – a day when most people in our country are taking time out to celebrate those who have served in our military, many of whom have fought for our freedom. But I have celebrated something different for the last three and a half decades . . . the birthday of my second son.

He wasn’t due until November 19th, but he decided to make his appearance a week early. His unexpected arrival gave me a glimpse into what life with Brad would be like. Unpredictable, unconventional, and undeniably unique. There hasn’t been a dull moment since he showed up ahead of schedule 36 years ago today!

After nearly two years of infertility, it goes without saying that this child was incredibly wanted, fervently prayed for, and deeply loved. We felt incredibly blessed to be given the opportunity to parent another child. And while his natural strong will was extremely challenging at times, there were a lot of joyful times as well. As soon as he could talk (which was very early), he provided our entire family with many moments of laughter.

Our adventurous son, Brad traveled to Illinois to play college football; and he completed a Master’s degree while studying on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, Israel. He’s climbed some mountains and tried a lot of things the rest of our family hasn’t. At the age of twelve, he was the one who socialized and connected the best with the people in Honduras on our family’s mission trip.  



There is much to celebrate with any child. But today I am most grateful for Brad’s hard-fought battles to maintain his relationship with God through many ups and downs . . . for his choice to trust God during the long wait for his wife, Dani      . . . and for his continued commitment to obey God and bring glory to him. And I am grateful for the faithfulness of God and the way he meets each of us right where we are and lovingly molds us into what he knows is best for us.

Happy Birthday to Brad, and Happy Veteran’s Day!


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