Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Having a Grateful Heart

Thanksgiving is on most people’s minds this week.  I’ve seen a lot of posts on social media with lists in various forms of things that people are thankful for.  It’s good to see that focus, even if only for one day, in a society that has transformed this holiday into a day that is more about eating, shopping, and watching football than being thankful for our blessings.

But truly being grateful isn’t just about listing the things that we’re thankful for.  Gratefulness comes from the heart and is an attitude that permeates all that we do.  Thankfulness is often related to specific things we have experienced; but a grateful heart is not affected by our circumstances.  Beneath it lies an understanding that God is sovereign; and, as sinful humans, we do not deserve any of the blessings we receive from his hand.  It is only his gracious love for us that causes him to give us good gifts for which we can be thankful.

I recently finished a women’s Bible study by Priscilla Shirer on the armor of God.  I was reminded of the truth found in Philippians 4:6-7: the peace of God guards our hearts and minds when we choose to be thankful.  In other words, a grateful heart activates God’s peace in our lives.  And how can we have a grateful heart?  Because our trust is properly placed in a trustworthy God.  Faith is not about us, but about God.  Because he is faithful, we can have faith.  Trusting God fuels thanksgiving, and thanksgiving activates peace.

Most of us want to have peace, and most of us can think of things to be thankful for.  But we all need to go a step further and seek to be truly grateful for who God is ALL of the time – not just one day a year.  Then we will have a grateful heart that is focused on God’s character and not our circumstances – and peace will be the natural result.  As we celebrate Thanksgiving and move into a Christmas season where peace is often talked about, let’s remember to be grateful deep inside so that God’s peace will reign within us as well.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  


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