I grew up in the church and have always attended
church. For 25 years, I was one of the
people who helped to lead the worship
part of the church service. A lot has
changed in my lifetime when it comes to style and instrumentation. I remember organs and choirs and hymns from
my childhood and young adulthood, and I remember Sunday evening services that
reflected a more relaxed, down-home atmosphere.
Through the years, the organs and choirs have largely disappeared –
along with most of the hymns. In the
churches I have attended, today there are worship teams that offer a more rock
or pop feeling; and most of what we sing would be called contemporary praise
We talk about the “worship” portion of the church service
and take great care in choosing songs that support the “sermon” portion of the
service and help us feel closer to God.
There’s not necessarily anything wrong with that, but true worship isn’t
about what we do; it’s about our relationship with God. If a worship attitude isn’t part of our daily
life, then what we do at church isn’t really worship. Worship
is about spending time in God’s presence and bringing glory to him; and
that shouldn’t be happening only on Sunday morning.
Jesus taught that the greatest commandment is this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). Fully surrendering every part of ourselves to
God is what true worship is all about.
This involves surrendered attitudes
(heart), surrendered emotions
(soul), surrendered thoughts (mind)
and surrendered actions (strength). You can see how this transfers to every part
of our lives and not just our church moments.
This type of daily surrender to God then enhances our Sunday times of
corporate worship, because it is based not on momentary feelings derived from
specific music but on a living
relationship with the God of the universe.
I have heard that anthropologists agree that everyone seems
to have an instinctive desire and need to worship something. Of course, God’s original design and greatest
desire is that we would choose him
as the object to fulfill that instinct.
But we often, even if unwittingly, choose other things: we “worship”
creation instead of the Creator (Romans
1:25); we “worship” people (either societal heroes or our own family
members) by giving them top billing in our lives (Luke 14:26); we “worship” possessions and money (Matthew 6:19-21); we “worship” power
and control (Mark 10:43-44); and we “worship”
comfort (Matthew 6:25-33). These are just a few of the things that we
are tempted to focus our worship on instead of the God who planted the worship
instinct in us.
Once again, you've nailed it! Love this post.