Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Truth vs. Culture, Part 2

America has had a busy weekend.  For some, it can be summed up with the words “Love Wins”; for others, words like anger, fear, or sadness seem more appropriate.  Facebook has exploded with posts and comments, and annual PRIDE parades across the country took on an expected spirit of unusual celebration.  The passion for truth that God planted inside me seems to be driving me to also comment on Friday’s Supreme Court decision to make homosexual marriage the law of our land.

I don’t believe in coincidences.  I do not follow politics very closely and had no knowledge of the imminence of the Supreme Court’s decision when I wrote last week’s entry in this blog.  In many ways, I’ve already said a lot of what might need to be said on this subject: God is sovereign above all of his creation, and His Word determines what truth is – not individual cultures or governments.  Arguing over truth is pointless – God has already made his will and preference regarding homosexuality and other things he calls sin very clear (Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:18-32).  And, as Romans 3:23 makes clear, every one of us who has ever lived has fallen short of God’s will in one way or another. 

I live in a state that had already legalized gay marriage, so the Supreme Court decision doesn’t really change anything in Washington.  But the word I would use to describe how I have been feeling since Friday is sadness.  Because I believe that God is sovereign, I’m not afraid: Friday’s decision is not a surprise to God and does not change his sovereignty over anything humans do.  And I am also not angry at the Supreme Court justices or the gay people who wanted this decision so badly.  I understand that no one here on earth is the real enemy and that Satan is the one who is behind the deception that has occurred in our culture (1 Peter 5:8).

But I AM sad – sad that our country’s leaders have chosen to blatantly walk away from God’s truth, and sad for the inevitable future consequences for our country.  God has great compassion and mercy for individuals who have lost their way and don’t understand the path they’ve chosen (Matthew 9:36); but he holds leaders responsible for how they lead (Mark 9:37).  Please don’t misunderstand: Friday’s court decision is not America’s culture-breaker – it is only the most recent symptom of an already broken culture.  And America is hardly the first culture to re-define truth; we’re just the latest to believe that we know more than God and that he isn’t really sovereign.  Unfortunately, we’re also not the first to be wrong and deserve the consequences of arrogance and self-absorption.  The fates of Sodom, Gomorrah, and the Roman and Egyptian Empires are just a few examples of cultures that God, in his sovereignty, chose to no longer tolerate.  How much longer does America have?  (Galatians 6:7 – “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows.”)  Just because we use labels like love, equality, tolerance and acceptance doesn’t mean we’ve achieved anything better or more enlightened than the sins of these past cultures.  I’m sad to be a member of a culture that has unwittingly chosen God’s eventual wrath.

However, let me be clear: my sadness does not morph into fear because, regardless of what America did on Friday or does in the future, God is still on his throne and always will be.  Nothing can or will ever change that!  I don’t always understand why God allows what he allows – the perfect balance of love, mercy, justice, and compassion in his character makes him a much better sovereign ruler than I would be in my humanness.  But I know I can trust him to maintain that balance perfectly – even on final judgment day, when we all will face him.  I think my job is to keep trusting God and focus on my own walk with him, not someone else’s.    

And for those who read this and see me as a narrow thinker, I just want to say that I’m OK with that assessment – because the truth from God’s Word will always be my only guide: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14).  I choose life, because God’s love already won for everyone long before last Friday!  Real love – real victory!

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