Monday, April 20, 2015

Enjoying God's Creation!

I don’t know where you live, but where I live it is a day to enjoy the beauty that God has created.  I’ve watched the national weather reports over the past few months; so if you live anywhere from Texas to New York (roughly), I’m sorry – you’re probably not sharing my joy today!  It seems you have had a ridiculously cold, wet, and stormy winter and spring.  But I can’t help but mention that it is between 70 and 75 degrees here today, sunny and beautiful!

We who live in western Washington get a bad rap from the rest of the country sometimes.  People who don’t live here seem to think that it rains all the time.  To be fair, we do get a lot of rain; but we don’t get a lot of storms.  Our rain comes mostly lightly and stays for longer periods of time.  Gray is one of our most pronounced colors during several months of the year.

Maybe that’s what makes a day like today so great.  Because of the gray and rain, when the sun shines here it is amazingly beautiful – every shade of green imaginable is reflected in our trees and plants, as well as pinks, purples, yellows, and other colors in the spring flowers that are blooming.  God is SO creative!

If I drive a couple miles from my house in either direction on our freeway, I get the opportunity to see a stunning view of the tallest mountain in our state (Mt. Rainier, over 14,000 feet) – part of the Cascade range – covered still in snow and breathtaking.  If I want to drive to the downtown area of the city I live in, I get to see the beautiful waters of Puget Sound with a backdrop of the Olympic Mountains.  If I want to just sit at home, I can wait for the gorgeous sunset I will get to see tonight over the Black Hills out my back window.  (Or wait around after that for a glimpse of the moon!)

Fall has always been my favorite time of year, but spring runs a close second.  Watching every color of the rainbow burst forth on the trees and plants is amazing!  Every time I drive somewhere, something has changed during this time of year.  I’m not a hot weather fan – spring sunny days in western Washington are the perfect temperature for me.

If you don’t live where I do, I hope you’re not too jealous of me right now!  I’ve been a lot of other places; so I know that, while not every place has the same beauty, there is something beautiful about God’s creation no matter where it is.  I hope today you will take a few minutes to look around you when you’re driving somewhere and to thank God for the incredible gifts of beauty he has created for us to enjoy.  Time for me to take a walk . . .     

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