Monday, October 22, 2018

Responding to Change

Some people thrive on change – at least change that they can control.  The owner of the beauty salon I go to is constantly rearranging the furniture and décor of the salon, and I know other people who often change things around in their homes.  However, I am not those people!  Change has always been something I would rather avoid, and in many ways I live by the motto “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

But change is inevitable in this world – especially in the technology-driven 21st century.  People change their houses, cars, wardrobes, spouses, and many other aspects of their lives with lightning regularity.  These are changes that are brought about by choice.  But there are other changes that happen to us that are not our choice or not solely our choice – things like job changes and the death of a loved one, among other things.

Currently, a friend from church is walking through the unknown changes brought about by her husband’s sudden and untimely passing.  In an instant, nearly everything that she considered “normal” changed.  Two other friends have recently moved long distances and are learning to adjust to new surroundings.  And I am facing the changes to my routine resulting from a temporary change in my husband’s job description and his working hours. 

It’s usually the changes that we can’t control that challenge us the most.  We have to try to maintain proper attitudes and not allow the changes to unnerve us.  I don’t always succeed at this.  But I am more likely to respond the way I should when I focus my mind and attention on what hasn’t changed – and this always causes me to look toward God.

Regardless of anything else, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).  God is always sovereign, loving, merciful, forgiving, all-powerful, all-knowing, just, gracious, trustworthy, and many other things.  His character is unchanging and can be counted on regardless of any changes I am experiencing.  He is also always with us – Immanuel – walking beside us through every change.  What else could we ever need?

Sometimes I need to be reminded of this truth and choose to focus on God instead of whatever changes I am going through.  I suspect my friends mentioned above know what I’m talking about.  Thankfully, every new day is a new opportunity to choose the right focus and right attitude – and to rely on God’s strength to help me make the right choices.  We are never alone, and that is the greatest news we could ever receive.  Thanking God today for his presence in my life and his strength for each day . . .