Young people often have a different view of time than those
of us who are older. Life’s ups and down
usually serve to teach us that time is
fleeting and is not always on our side like we thought it was when we were
younger. Over this past weekend, I was
hit with that reality as I attended a memorial service for a dear friend who
was younger than me. His wife is a widow
in her early fifties. Suddenly, the
future seems less certain; and how I spend each day seems to matter even more.

What do these things have in common? All of them point us to the brevity of life and the futility of anything that isn’t
eternal. That doesn’t mean we aren’t
meant to enjoy life on this earth; God has given us a beautiful world and people
to love (James 1:17). He wants us to spend our time here loving him
and loving others. But he has made it
clear in his Word that the present is
not the point; it is intended to be preparation for the future – for eternity.
It’s okay to celebrate human relationships and enjoy human
friendships, and it’s okay to mourn when those relationships end on earth. Even Jesus cried when he lost a close friend
(John 11:35), and he knew he was
about to raise him from the dead! What
Jesus understood is that our lives on earth are but a breath (Psalm 39:4-5) and only meaningful in
light of eternity (2 Peter 3:8-13). While our days are numbered by God, we are
not privy to that timeline ourselves. We
simply can’t see what lies ahead for us in this life or how much longer our
time here will be. But, as Christians,
we do know what the future holds – eternity
in the presence of God!