Monday, April 24, 2017

What God Is Like

“Mommy, what is God like?”  Most of us have attempted to answer questions like this while raising our children, and most of us have probably struggled to fully capture this teachable moment.  But this season of the year reminds me that we have more than enough answers to understanding what God is like simply by looking around at everything he has made.  In fact, Romans 1:20 tells us that we really don’t have any excuse for not understanding, “for since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made”.


So what can we know about God just from looking at nature?  Here are a few things I’ve come up with:  God is creative and he likes variety (have you ever been to a botanical garden or a tulip field or rose garden?); God is beautiful and likes to share his beauty with us; God is powerful (windstorms, thunder/lightning, etc.); God is glorious (“the heavens declare his glory”Psalm 19:1 and “the whole earth is full of his glory”Isaiah 6:3); God is dependable (patterns like seasons, crops, tides, etc. can be counted on to repeat continually); God is orderly and creates according to design; God is a provider (the natural order of animals provides for the survival of each); and God is unlimited (no two snowflakes or sunsets or people or flowers or animals are exactly the same).

Of course this is not an exhaustive list, but it’s more than enough to answer a child’s question.  And it’s more than enough for us to begin to trust the God who created everything we see.  Even if he hadn’t given us the gift of salvation through his Son (but he did!); and even if he didn’t provide for us every day of our lives (but he does!); and even if he doesn’t continue to bless our lives in the future (but he will!).  So let’s remember to look around during this season of new life that is popping up everywhere and notice the qualities of God that each of his creations exhibits.  He has truly made himself known and wants us to choose to know him better and trust him more while we enjoy his wonderful gifts to us.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!    

Monday, April 10, 2017

Because He First Loved Us

It has been a crazy week!  A week ago I was a wanna-be grandma, and today I have three beautiful foster grandchildren – just like that, within a couple hours’ time!  On Saturday, we had the privilege of meeting them all (thanks to modern technology) even though they live 1200 miles away.  What a delightful time as we asked questions and shared stories and began to get a picture of who each of these precious siblings is becoming.

Our son and daughter-in-law have taken on a monumental task at their young age; but they have quickly discovered that they are not alone.  They knew God would be with them, but they didn’t expect the outpouring from others that they have received.  An old African proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child”; and God’s way has always been community – the coming together of God’s people as they depend on God together.  And that’s exactly what has happened – from beds to carseats to tons of clothing to gift cards and even a red wagon – the donations from friends have not stopped coming!  “All the believers were one in heart and mind.  No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had” (Acts 4:32) – Christian community at its best.

As we head into the week that commemorates and celebrates the most important events in history – the outpouring of God’s love for the world by the sacrifice of his Son in order to restore the relationship between God and man that sin had destroyed – I am struck by the parallels during the last week in our family.  “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).  Because God loved us so much, we are able to love others.  My son and his wife are able to love children that are not their own.  Their church family and friends are able to shower them with gifts of love.  And a little of Christ’s desire for his disciples gets shown to the world: “A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35). 

During this Easter week, I encourage you to join me in taking the time to focus on the incredible sacrifice of love that God showed us in his plan of the cross.  This is where all true love begins.  And then I encourage you to look for ways to truly love in sacrificial ways the people God places in your path – whether family, friends, or strangers.  Love others because God loves you.  And don’t forget at the end of the week to CELEBRATE – because He is risen!  He is risen indeed.  Alive and well, and continuing to work in hearts that are listening.  Have a wonderful Easter week!