What would Jesus do?
While this saying has been overused and has probably lost much of its
effectiveness at this point in time, it really is a very good question. I’m
currently in the middle of studying each of the gospels using books by one of
my favorite spiritual thinkers, musician Michael Card. I also just started a certificate program in
Bible and theology that began – of all places – with the life of Christ. So I’ve been pondering the “What would Jesus
do?” question a lot lately.
With that question in mind, and in an effort to also answer
the “so what?” question that makes Scripture practical for everyday living,
here are some things to think about:
- Jesus modeled for us the importance of obedience to God’s authority. His entire life was focused on doing what the Father wanted him to do (Luke 22:42 – “not my will, but yours be done”). He “learned obedience” (Hebrews 5:8), not because he was disobedient, but as an example for us to follow. Obedience was who Jesus was (John 4:34). Does obedience to God first and foremost describe me?
- Jesus lived his life “on purpose”, and Jesus was not easily distracted. He knew his calling and never pursued anything outside of that calling (John 17:4). He relied on God’s power in him (not his own human power) to bring about God’s results (not his own results) in his calling/ministry. Working “at the level of our own inadequacy” helps us to stay connected to God’s power to fulfill whatever purpose he has given to us (2 Corinthians 12:9). Do I rely solely on God’s power and single-mindedly pursue my calling/ministry?
- When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11) and when he was confronted by various people during his ministry, he used the Word of God to counter attacks and to explain truth to those around him. He didn’t enter into arguments; he simply spoke truth. Rather than having a “power encounter” with others, he had “truth encounters”. How well do I refrain from engaging argumentative people on their level and simply speak the truth in love?
- Jesus taught us with his life and words to trust and worship only God – even in the place of food, safety, and power (Matthew 4:1-11) as well as things like family (Matthew 10:37) and the approval of others (Luke 16:15b). If we are truly placing all of our dependence on God alone, we will not look the same as those around us – even many other churchgoers. Am I willing to trust God fully and allow absolutely nothing else to have my allegiance?
- Jesus brought a message of radical reversal of all of the world’s systems. He said that the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who love righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted are the ones who are blessed (Matthew 5:3-10). He told us to love our enemies, not just our friends (Luke 6:27-28). He said that the first will be last and the least will be the greatest (Mark 9:35). Jesus washed his disciples’ feet in order to show them and us the importance of being a servant (John 13:15). He told us that only humble people will be exalted – not those who exalt themselves (Matthew 23:12). And he often spoke about the importance of choosing the treasures of relationship with God over the riches of this world (Matthew 6:19-21). When people look at my life – what I do, where I go, how I spend my money, and how I treat others – do they see these principles of radical reversal that Jesus taught?