Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Fallacy of Freedom

Recently I’ve been mulling over some of the things that are happening in our nation and the comments that have been circulating in the media and social media.  Political candidates, Supreme Court rulings, and businesses’ decisions on social policy seem to constantly demand for me to “take a side”.  At least that’s what some of my Christian friends seem to think.  But, as one who could be accused of overthinking important issues, I find myself wondering what response would really please God.

Unfortunately, many Christians seem to confuse Christianity and patriotism.  Loving God and loving America are not the same thing.  Our country is not God’s country; and we are only God’s people if we choose to follow him.  The message of the gospel isn’t about a certain nation; it’s about individuals who choose God’s way no matter where they live. 

Americans are all about freedom; but freedom is a fallacy.  It was a good idea – probably the best to choose from at the time it was conceived.  But true freedom has to allow for whatever anyone wants to do, and that’s where the fallacy takes shape.  True freedom isn’t possible, because your freedom might step on my rights, and vice versa.  If I want to pray in public but you are opposed to prayer, then my freedom to pray steps on your rights to a life free from prayer.  If you are a man who has now decided to be a woman, then your freedom to use the restroom of your choice steps on my right to use a restroom that only contains my gender.  If both of us exercise our freedoms, we are asking others to give up some of theirs. 

What I’ve been figuring out as I’ve mulled this over is that we’re focusing on the wrong things.  No one person living in America will ever have complete freedom, and I am encouraged to know that Jesus lived this principle and taught us how to respond.  Jesus followed the laws and rules of both the secular government and the spiritual rulers of his day.  He was a good citizen as well as a good Jew.  He didn’t become involved politically, but instead tried to change the group that really mattered – those who claimed to follow God.

As Christians, we are not called to change everything about our government.  America is corrupt in many ways, and we can expect this to get worse, not better, as time goes by – because all of mankind will become more corrupt right up until the time that Jesus returns (2 Timothy 3:12-13).  I am very sad for some of the laws that have been instituted in our country during my lifetime, but ranting about them on social media will not change what has happened.  When I ask, “What would Jesus do?”, I come up with a different approach.

In the midst of a corrupt and oppressive government and rampant sin everywhere, Jesus’ advice to his disciples was simple: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it” (Luke 9:23-24).  You see, no one truly has any rights.  Trusting God means letting go of the freedom rhetoric we have been taught and recognizing that God’s sovereignty trumps anything I could do to protect myself from those who might walk on my so-called “rights”. 

The bottom line is this: no matter where I live or who the leaders are or what the social policies of my society are, God is still in control.  I don’t need to be ruled by fear and self-protection.  All I need to be doing is making sure I am denying myself and following God.  He alone can be trusted to take care of me and allow only what’s best for me – even if that includes things I wouldn’t choose for myself.  He is always worthy of my trust.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Continuing a Legacy

Over the weekend we celebrated my mother’s 86 years on this earth.  It took us nearly a month since her March birthday to find a time that would work for everyone due to sicknesses and other commitments, but we finally were able to celebrate her longevity.

My Mom didn’t expect to live this long.  Her own mother died at the age of 68, so 86 never even crossed her mind.  And when my Dad passed away 7½ years ago, Mom didn’t really think she would still be here today.  But God isn’t finished with his plans for my Mom yet!

Mom’s life is pretty simple these days, and her activities are few.  She lives alone with her beloved dog, and her major time of productive living has passed.  But today I’m remembering what she contributed earlier in her life and the legacy she will leave behind as a result.

My mother was a fulltime stay-at-home Mom and took her parenting role very seriously.  There are no perfect parents, but she and my Dad were earnest and consistent in their efforts to instill in my brother and me the Biblical values they felt were important – values that we also tried to pass down to our children.  I am very thankful for their diligence and the result in my own life.

There are only a few things that I am passionate about, but parenting is one of them.  My mother’s example taught me that no job I could ever have would be as important or meaningful as being a Mom.  While I am a lifelong learner and appreciate my college education, I never aspired to have any career other than motherhood.  The privilege of training the next generation to love and serve God was like adrenaline to me.  I loved every stage of my children’s lives and continue to be blessed by them as they navigate adulthood. 

I don’t know yet what it feels like to be 86.  Life has already brought me challenges that I didn’t necessarily expect, and no one knows what the future holds.  But today I am grateful for the legacy that my mother gave me and the joy of continuing that legacy.  And I choose to further that legacy in the lives of those God places in my path for as many years as he gives me before my eternity with him in heaven begins.  There is no higher calling!        

“Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord.”     
Psalm 102:18