Monday, May 18, 2015

Tired But Joyful!

I have lost the first half of this month, but most of those days have been anything BUT lost – because the first eleven days of May were spent walking where Jesus walked, and the last three were spent walking with fellow sisters in Christ!  From May 1st through May 11th, my husband and I were privileged to be traveling around in God’s chosen land, Israel; and I just spent 3 days speaking at Camas Meadows Women’s Retreat up in the mountains here in my own state of Washington.  My body is tired, but my heart is full of joy!

There is so much to take in when you walk where Jesus walked.  Of course, much has changed since the first-century land that Jesus called home; but the footprint of centuries of civilizations in this region is amazing to see and try to capture – especially for Americans whose country is only a couple hundred years old.  Just to give you an idea . . . we saw temple stones crafted under Herod the Great, Roman streets and columns, Byzantine and Crusader fortresses, and a portion of the broad wall built by Hezekiah and referred to in Nehemiah 3:8.  We took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and waded in the Mediterranean.  We saw the cave where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered and the valley where so many Old Testament battles took place.  And we walked the streets of the town where Jesus was born (Bethlehem), the town he grew up in (Nazareth), and the town he spent much of his ministry life in (Capernaum).  Like I said – a lot to take in!

Then I came home and had the privilege of speaking at a women’s retreat and sharing a weekend with a wonderful group of ladies.  After seeing so much of where Jesus used to live, I was able to experience again as I have so many times before the joy of seeing where Jesus lives today – in the hearts and lives of his followers.  I was in the city where the Holy Spirit first entered the lives of believers, and then I was in a room of believers for the weekend where the Spirit’s presence was obvious and precious. 

Combining everything I’ve done so far this month, I have a new perspective.  The land of Israel bears witness to God’s sovereignty and power throughout history, but there is so much more to the story.  The ministry of Jesus had one purpose: establishing his eternal kingdom in the hearts of his followers.  To see that in action, it isn’t necessary to travel any further than the group of Christians closest to you.  Jesus is alive and well here and now!

I hope you all get the chance someday to walk where Jesus walked and enhance your Bible understanding.  But until then . . . keep furthering his kingdom by loving those around you and seeking to do his will in the place where you live.  Shalom . . .